Besides the effort for reducing the carbon footprint in the life cycle of our products, our portfolio makes available products that help reduce Greenhouse Effect Gases (GEG), increase the efficiency of resources in refining operations and enable the increase in quality and the withdrawal of contaminants from the transportation fuels, helping our customers to reach their sustainability goals and meet the stringest environmental standards.
Accordance to environmental standards and regulations
Our additives portfolio presents solutions that make it possible to reduce atmospheric pollutants emissions, such as SOx and NOx, enabling our customers to attend the stringest environmental regulations.
SOx emissions reduction at the FCC unit
SOx-reduction additives are designed for capturing and removing the oxidized sulfur compounds formed in the regenerator and releasing them in the riser. Upon release, sulfur leaves the FCCU as hydrogen sulfide together with the products cracked in the reactor effluent. The hydrogen sulfide is easily processed in the gas plant downstream the FCCU.
Among the additives for SOx control available in our portfolio the SOxMASTER-2 is highlighted for applications on partial and total combustion while DuraSOx exhibits more friction resistance, it being recommended for FCC units operating under total combustion and being sensible to particulate material losses (units with turbo-expander and/or having problems for the opacity framework).
Click here to be better informed on the benefits and commercial results of SOxMASTER-2 and DuraSOx.
Low NOx emission combustion promoter
ELIMINOx is a platinum-free combustion promoter able to promote efficient oxidation of CO to CO2, attenuating the afterburn phenomenon, while the NOx emissions are kept unchanged as compared with the conventional platinum promoters. Typically, the NOx levels by using ELIMINOx are 40 to 70% lower than those observed for a conventional platinum promoter.
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