Low NOx emission Platinum-free combustion promoter.

About the ELIMINOx

Faced with increasingly stringent environmental regulations for the control of combustion gases emissions control, many refineries seek catalytic strategies to reduce NOx emissions.

For FCC units employing Pt-based combustion promoter, its replacement by ELIMINOx can be the first step for reducing NOx emissions, aiding the refiner in attaining his environmental compliance goals. .

The Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores S.A. and Albemarle ELIMINOx is a platinum-free combustion promoter able to promote efficient CO to CO2 oxidation, attenuating the CO afterburn phenomenon in the regenerator diluted phase without augmenting NOx emissions when compared with the platinum-based conventional promoters. 

Its efficiency has already been commercially proven in more than 20 refineries all over the world, it being a reliable, flexible and low-cost solution. Typically, the NOx levels by using ELIMINOx are 40 to 70% lower than those observed for a conventional platinum-based promoter.

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  • Efficient CO oxidation and afterburn control at low NOx emission.
  • NOx emissions reduction in FCC units employing platinum-based combustion promoter.
  • Reduction of CO generation at low NOx emission.
  • Flexibility for processing higher nitrogen content feeds.
Reliable, flexible and low-cost solution for afterburn control at low NOx emission.

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