Heavy feeds processing with superior coke selectivity.

About the VEGA catalyst

Many FCC units undergo bottoms conversion and selectivity losses caused by mass transfer limitations associated with processing of heavy feeds and/or having high contaminating metals contents. 

Due to steric hindrances high-molecular weight, huge volume molecules have difficulty in diffusing towards the interior of the catalyst particle, while the presence of high contaminating metals concentrations can lead to the formation of deposits on the catalyst particle surface causing pore blockage and creating feed diffusion barriers. 

The VEGA catalyst was developed to solve problems of diffusion limitations associated with processing heavy, moderate to high contaminating metals content feeds and high coke selectivity. Its production technology provides higher accessibility, enabling excellent bottoms conversion, besides selectivity benefits, enabling to obtain high yields in the refiner products of interest. 

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  • Higher accessibility, enabling excellent bottoms conversion for processing heavy feeds and/or having moderate to high metals content.
  • Superior coke selectivity, providing more operating flexibility.
  • Fair attrition resistance.
The ideal solution for problems of diffusion limitations associated with processing of heavy, moderate to high metals content feeds.

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