Additive for maximum octane-barrel and C4's generation.


The gasoline pool octane of a refinery is determined by the aggregated performance of several process units. The conditions and operating strategies are of utmost importance, but many refiners do not own the operating window for generating significant octane increases just by operational movements. 

To meet the demand for higher gasoline octane, refiners can choose as strategy ZSM-5 zeolite-based additives. By working to raise the refiner flexibility, and based on the FCC unit increased yield of better quality cracked naphtha, Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores S.A., together with the Research Centers of Petrobras and Albemarle developed a solution for gasoline production maximization in a refinery.

The ISOZOOM additive is a commercially proven solution for increasing gasoline octane. What renders this additive different from the conventional ZSM-5 zeolite-based additives is its formulation and production technology, allowing a more selective isomerization mechanism relative to cracking. ISOZOOM neither cracks nor creates aromatic compounds, but increases its concentration in cracked naphtha by consuming the linear species. The additive offers further an additional advantage: upon being hydrogenated in the HDS unit, these molecules become branched paraffins, preserving the gasoline octanes.

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  • Higher isoparaffins content in gasoline.
  • Octanes preservation upon submitting naphtha to sulfur reduction post-treatment (HDS).
  • C4 olefins and isobutane-rich LPG, suitable for producing alkylate.
  • Higher gasoline production and lower LPG production relative to conventional ZSM-5 zeolite-based additives.
Commercially proven solution for gasoline octane boosting.

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