Higher bottoms conversion and coke selectivity.

About the EVEREST catalyst

FCC S.A., in partnership with Albemarle developed the EVEREST catalysts family holding to its commitment in providing innovative solutions and aid refiners in the FCCU maximization of profitability. 

The EVEREST and EVEREST ACTION catalysts belong to a portfolio of products developed based on the GRANITE technology designed to provide improved performance. Based on an innovative matrix/binder system providing superior coke selectivity, higher zeolite stability and renders viable the formulation window expansion, the EVEREST catalysts exhibit superior bottoms conversion and the same selectivity adjustment ability for LPG, gasoline or diesel featured by the FCC S.A. and Albemarle successfully marketed catalysts.

EVEREST ACTION is a significant advancement in the line of the ACTION products of proven, successful commercial performance. The innovative binding system of the EVEREST catalysts enables the increase in the butenes-selective zeolite and rare-earths reduction, which results in butene yields and octane higher than those of the conventional ACTION, while providing higher bottoms conversion at constant coke.

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  • Wide formulation window.
  • Excellent bottoms conversion.
  • Increased stability zeolite.
  • Superior coke selectivity.
  • EVEREST ACTION: high butene yield and octane, while providing superior bottoms conversion at excellent coke selectivity.
Commercial performance: where it really matters.

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