Between August 26 and 30, FCC S.A. promoted the Sustainability Week, highlighting the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) focus and its impacts on the company. Through in-person activities and online lectures, the event involved all of the workforce, promoting the importance of ESG practices. |

The FCC S.A. Sustainability Week started on August 26 by a lecture by Ricardo Voltolini entitled “The Key for Sustainability and Organizational Transformation”. The opening highlighted how the adoption of sustainable actions can significantly transform the company. |

On August 27, FCC S.A. provided the high administration with a training session on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I). Directed by Daniel Leal, the training session focused on representativity, leadership role in DE&I, and included a debate on racism. |

On Volunteering Day, August 28, Pedro Marcondes, NGO Argilando’s CEO, lectured on “Routes for Agenda 2030”, highlighting the volunteering role in achieving Sustainable Development Objectives (SDO) and the importance of an empathetic approach so nobody is left behind. |

On August 29, FCC S.A. held the 1st Meeting with Supplier Companies and Service Providers. The presentation was led by Mariana Kohler, manager and master in production engineering from COPPE/UFRJ, and highlighted how the integration of sustainability, social responsibility and governance principles adds to company strengthening and partnership improvement. |

Also, on the same day an Organic Fair directed to its workforce was held by FCC S.A. with the participation of farmers and local producers. Collaborative persons had the opportunity to acquire fresh products, participate in dynamics for obtaining treats and receive a 50 Zeos (FCC S.A. social currency) to use in the fair. |

Closing the week, on August 20, Mariana Kohler lectured on “Materiality”, highlighting its importance and use at FCC S.A. She focused on the good results in sustainability covering diversity, inclusion, safety and environment obtained by the company. |
Further social actions marked the week, such as seedlings donation and seals collection, stressing FCC S.A. commitment with sustainability and social environmental development.
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