Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores S.A. announces to its customers that the inauguration of chemical engineer Luiz Eduardo Valente Moreira for the position of FCC S.A. Superintendent Director was formalized on April 28, 2023.
Luiz Eduardo Valente has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Besides, he is graduated in Petroleum Processing Engineering from UFRJ and has an Executive MBA from COPPEAD (UFRJ).
His professional career spans through 43 years of experience, he started his way at Petrobras in 1980, where he worked in the areas of refining, natural gas, energy and HSE. He started at the Paulínia Refinery (Replan) and then had positions in other refineries. He was General Manager at the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (Repar) and General Manager of Refining Technology for Supply at the Henrique Lage Refinery (Revap) where he spent most of his career.
He worked at the Nitrogen Fertilizers Plant in Bahia as General Manager, and later on he had the position of Gás-Química Executive. Throughout his career at Petrobras he was also HSE Executive Manager.
At Braskem, he occupied the position of Project Manager and later on was Vice-President for digital transformation organization projects. At Transpetro, he served as Services Director and then the presidency of the company.
The new Superintendent Director stresses the importance of FCC S.A. for the South American refining market, he points out that the company plays a crucial role by developing specific solutions for each refinery.
"We are leaders in providing FCC catalysts for South America, we have a concrete, solid basis, besides being one of the very few companies that manufactures the catalyst, effectively, on a Tailor-Made basis, since not only we manufacture catalysts, but a specific catalyst for each refinery and each campaign, not mentioning the delivery logistics, which is fantastic. ”
– Luiz Eduardo Valente, FCC S.A. Superintendent Director
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