FCC S.A. provides more than 1 million brazilian reals to social projects

FCC S.A. provides more than 1 million brazilian reals to social projects

5min / February 17th, 2022
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At the end of last year Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores (FCC S.A.) provided, by means of fiscal incentives legislation, more than 1 million reals to projects aiming at the social, cultural and economic development of neighboring communities. The resources were destined for institutions providing improved access to culture, education, health, sport and income generation for families with vulnerabilities. 

The purpose of this input was to strengthen its commitment with Sustainability through programs which change and positively impact society. 

Meet the projects and amounts designed for each Fiscal Incentive Law 

The amounts cited below were based on the FCC S.A. 2021 Fiscal Year Income Tax.

Lei Rouanet – (Rouanet Law) R$ 375.893,03.

Agência do Bem! (The Goodness Agency!)

The Music and Citizenship Schools project exists for 15 years, keeping community centers for free music education, chiefly of orchestra instruments, for low-income children and youngsters, offering weekly courses on music theory and perception, instrumental practice and citizenship. The project includes a vocational orchestra. Its focus is to democratize access to culture, launching opportunities for personal and professional training. The funds of the FCC S.A contribution support a music hub in Itaguaí, a municipality of Rio de Janeiro, assisting more than 70 children. 

Important: Project with three years partnership with FCC S.A.


Lei do Idoso – (The Elderly Law) R$ 143.973,26.

Lar Torres de Melo (Torres de Melo Home)

With headquarters in Fortaleza, the Longevidade com Dignidade: Cuidar, Proteger e Promover anos I, II e III (Longevity with Dignity: Take care, Protect and Promote years I, II and III) project supports nearly 200 elderly with dignified and humanized care. The project aims at sponsoring the maintenance of the activities of the long stay host service provided by the Home, including food, medicines and daily inputs, activities aiming at keeping the elderly active social life as well as offering playful activities. 


Important: Project with three years partnership with FCC S.A.

Lei Rouanet – (Rouanet Law) - R$ 200,000.00.

Onikoja Institute – Afro-centered Workshops Project

The Project aims at the social cultural inclusion of people in situation of social vulnerability, such as the elderly, youngsters and children, people being physically and/or intellectually handicapped, LGBT, women and Black people, highlighting the individual and collective Black identity. It encompasses the areas of the African cultural legacy heritage, with music, dance and arts, providing education activities (workshops) for promotion and maintenance of the cultural equipment. The African cultural legacy is the basis for the support and re-dimensioning of values and social inclusion.

Beneficiaries: 250 (direct) and 535 (indirect).

Institution web site: https://onikoja.org.br/

The Infancy and Adolescence Fund – FIA - R$143,973.26.

PIO XII Foundation (Hospital of Love) – Take Care Project

At no cost, the Project assists children and adolescents of the Barretos Children’s Hospital. The project goal is to fund the expenses with medications and treatments of these children. The Take Care Project provides assistance and oncologic treatment for children and adolescents at the Barretos Children’s Hospital. The treatment provided for by the Hospital is 100% at no cost and developed according to the needs of each patient. The Project provides for the treatment costs as well as the activities developed for each patient.

Beneficiaries: 2,664 (direct) and 10,656 (indirect).

Institution web site: https://hospitaldeamor.com.br/

Sports Law - R$143,973.26.

Black Pearls Academy - Black Pearls Project

The Project aims at reducing inequalities by providing integration between Sport and education with focus on football and school tutoring for the basic education (Primary and Secondary Education). The methodology values “life projects” for youngsters
between 12 and 18 years especially for Brazilians (boys and girls) and refugees in situation of social vulnerability. The insertion of young Brazilians and immigrants in the project occurs by using field football as a social inclusion tool.

Beneficiaries: 800 (direct) and 2,400 (indirect). 

Institution web site: http://academiaperolasnegras.org/

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