FCC S.A. launches the Diversity Booklet, advancing towards a more inclusive future

FCC S.A. launches the Diversity Booklet, advancing towards a more inclusive future

Author: Marketing FCC S.A.
5 min / January 16th, 2025
Average Evaluations 5.00


To reaffirm its commitment with the creation of an inclusive environment Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores S.A. (FCC S.A.) launches its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Booklet.  

The DE&I Booklet, presented in a playful and accessible format, brings important reflections on subjects such as gender, race/ethnicity, ageism, religion, LGBTQIAPN+, persons with deficiency, among others. Beyond a study source, it is a tool promoting inclusion and respect for differences. 

How does the booklet align with the FCC S.A. values?

FCC S.A. believes that each person owns a unique history, besides a set of capabilities that, when summed up, develop an environment of innovation and growth. By embracing different cultures, experiences and perspectives we become stronger.  

Based on this we invite you to explore this universe, expand your perception and cultivate empathy, contributing in a significant way for building a fairer, more inclusive and friendly space.

Let’s create together a more inclusive and diverse environment for everyone!

Download the DE&I Booklet using the link on the side.

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