FCC S.A. is glad to announce the launch of the Policy and Manifesto for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I), an initiative which mirrors the commitment of the organization to promote a more diverse, equitable and inclusive environment.
The Policy aims at strengthening inclusive culture, promoting an innovative-favorable environment, increasing productivity indices and fostering relationships with the public of interest. It has been developed after a comprehensive process of consulting and dialogue, reflecting and valuing the several identities, origins and experiences that form the company.
The document provides commitments to rule its action on respect, inclusion, equity and valuation of human and cultural diversity in the development of activities, projects, partnerships throughout the whole production chain and in the relationship with society. In the same way, it evidences its rejection of all kind of behavior and conduct opposed to this policy, aiming at a discrimination-free environment, able to foster and value respect and equal opportunities.
At FCC S.A. it is believed that each person brings a unique history, a distinct perspective and a set of capabilities which, when combined, create an environment for innovation and growth. Commitment with diversity, equity and inclusion is not only a policy, but also a decision for catalyzing a more diverse and equitable future for all people.
Read the policy and the full manifesto
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