By developing projects and supporting partners in studies and tests to operate firmly in favor of a circular economy, Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores adds to the development of advanced plastics recycling technologies.
One of the current projects is the Cooperation Agreement between Braskem, FCC S.A., SENAI CETIQT and EngePol (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ) aiming at extending the efficiency of the pyrolysis technology, strengthening the quality of the products obtained from plastics advanced recycling.
The purpose of this project is the development of catalysts for the transformation of plastics wastes into circular raw materials able to be reinserted into the productive chain, reducing the use of fossil derived natural resources and thus contributing for the elimination of wastes.
“The FCC S.A. strategic planning explicitly envisages the development of new products and markets. In this regard, we identify applications inserted in the circular economy and the diseconomy as prioritary, these being fields of huge potential growth. We are fully confident in the result of this project for the chemical recycling of useless plastics from urban solid wastes”, reports Sidney Martins, New Business Coordinator at FCC S.A.
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