Strengthening the activity in social-environmental responsibility is one of the FCC S.A. strategic objectives and among the numerous on-going initiatives, involving the community is one of the aspects being considered.
The Cultivating Tomorrow Visiting and Environmental Education Program, carried out at the Abílio Faia Forest Garden is one of the social environmental FCC S.A. initiatives before the surrounding communities. The program accepts children from 4 to 18 years old and aims both at promoting Environmental Conservation and the development of critical thinking on ecological sustainability, waste generation and plant seedlings productions.
In 2023 our journey started in August, we received a total of 294 visitors, during 16 visits. There were Municipal schools of the Municipal Secretariat of Education and Culture of Itaguaí, a municipality of Rio de Janeiro, besides other schools from the RJ State. Since the beginning of the program, in 2005, until today, we received a total of 7,332 visitors.
Places for the 2024 year are already available, for more information contact by e-mail:
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