Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores S.A. launches the “Catalisar” Resources under Incentive Public Notice, which will provide resources for projects able to contribute to the development of communities under social and economic vulnerability, in the vicinity of the company, through culture, sports and citizenship, health prevention and promotion, education, environmental awareness and income generation.
Subscription starts on April 10th, 2024, continuously and without an end date. Projects based on fostering social and continuity changes, able to generate opportunities for change in local social scenario, educational and professionalizing actions, capacitation or income generation and environmental awareness will be examined. In the realm of the National Program for Oncological Attention Support (PRONON) and of the National Program for Deficient Person Health Attention Support (PRONAS/PCD), projects in the area of the oncological attention, promoting prevention and fighting of cancer and those designed for the prevention and rehabilitation of the person with deficiency.
Only projects previously approved in accordance with the following Federal Incentives Laws will be selected: Federal Culture Incentive Law (Rouanet Law), Sports Incentive Law, Elderly Incentive Law (FMI), Infancy and Adolescence Fund (FIA)/Child and Adolescent Municipal Fund (FUMCAD), PRONON and PRONAS/PCD.
All the presented projects should be approved by the corresponding Incentive Laws at the moment of subscription to this Public Notice, and apt to raise funds in June, September and December, 2024; and, March 2025.
The institutions interested in participating in the process should comply with the requirements available in the public notice and fill in the form.
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