FCC S.A. launches the Green April Campaign focusing on Accident Prevention in the Workplace

FCC S.A. launches the Green April Campaign focusing on Accident Prevention in the Workplace

Author: Comunicação FCC S.A.
3 min / April 26th, 2024
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The Green April Campaign was created in memory of the 78 miners killed in a mine explosion in the year 1969 in the USA. The month is identified by a color and several activities that call the society’s attention towards the serious issue of workplace accidents that claim lives in Brazil and worldwide. Green is the color that means Health and Safety in the Workplace. 
The primary subject matter of the FCC S.A. institutional campaign for reduction and prevention of workplace accidents relates to the motto “Small habits mean big results! Our attitudes prevent accidents”. 

The campaign highlights the precautions to be adopted by its internal public to prevent accidents in everyday life:

•    Don’t engage in conversations while walking; 
•    Report and register near accidents;
•    Hold handrail when using stairs;
•    Use zebra crossing;
•    Pay attention when crossing;
•    Weigh the risks before starting a job;
•    Always wear a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

The goal of the Green April campaign is to reach the largest possible number of people, companies and institutions to reduce the rate of workplace accidents. 

According to data provided by the International Labor Organization (ILO), at present Brazil is 4th in the ranking of countries with the highest rate of workplace accidents. 

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