Check the FCC S.A. presentations at LARTC 2024

Check the FCC S.A. presentations at LARTC 2024

Author: Marketing FCC S.A.
5 min / September 20th, 2024
Average Evaluations 5.00

During the Latin American Refining Technology Conference 2024 (LARTC), which was held between 3 and 5 September, Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores S.A. was highlighted by its workshop and technical lecture presentations, providing relevant contributions on the subjects below:


Innovaciones catalíticas que auxilian la jornada de los refinadores en la transición energética

To re-state its commitment with sustainability and innovative activity FCC S.A. presented leading-edge solutions with highlight on its DENALITM, ReNewFCCTM and FENIX catalysts.

Download of the Workshop Presentation

Technical lecture

Challenges and opportunities of plastic pyrolysis oil in the energy transition: From oil production to co-processing at the FCCU

FCC S.A. focused on co-processing and biofeeds use, besides sharing the FCC S.A. experience for processing 100% renewable feed in Brazil. 

Download of the Technical Lecture


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