Corporate Volunteering Program
Created in 2017, the Corporate Volunteering Program Chain of Goodness reinforces the FCC S.A. Social Responsibility while it embraces, by its structure, all programs we created internally for our community.
Social transformation resulting from programs like this one brings together a series of improvements in varied areas, such as education and health, widening the well-being of individuals living in communities where we operate, so it can grow more and more. Here, both the transformation agent, the volunteer, and the people impacted by the action undergo experiences that make all the difference in everyday life.
How does the Chain of Goodness work?
The participation is open to all FCC S.A. employees and the way the activities and processes occur is directed by our Volunteering Policy. It sets forth working directives along with the other company internal policies, such as our Code of Conduct and Anticorruption Policy. All resources, information and tools are made available for stimulating and securing volunteer work.
& Indicators
To monitor the Chain of Goodness projects it is essential to measure the impact of each one of them, do optimizations and be sure that they meet the objectives set forth in our Corporate Volunteering Policy.
These are: strengthening the FCC S.A. Social Responsibility Initiatives, improve relationship with the community, foster the donation culture among employees, integrate the FCC S.A. team, contribute positively for the employee satisfaction index and contribute for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Our numbers in 2023
Awareness Actions
Social Projects
Our commitment to Social Responsibility mirrors who we are. And in the search for more and more involvement in projects with different causes and in several locations of Brazil, we launched in 2020 the “Catalisar”, our first Public Notice on Incentive Funds and since then we have allocated more than R$3.6 million to projects that contribute to the development of communities under vulnerability conditions by means of culture, sports, citizenship, health, environmental education and income generation.
The Public Notices publication and social entrepreneurs registrations occur with the aid of the Prosas platform that provides transparency to the process. To meet the volume of received proposals, we count on a team of employees belonging to the Sustainability Committee for evaluating, score and forward the pre-selected projects to the high administration for final decision.
Be acquainted with the
projects sponsored by FCC S.A.
Do you have any queries on our initiatives? Our contact channels are always available to serve you.